Categorie: English

The Coverart Challenge

A friend recently nominated me for a challenge on Facebook to place an album cover of an album that influences my musical taste five days in a row, without giving an explanation. Unfortunately for her, I have to acknowledge that I don’t participate in social media challenges for several reasons. In order not to disappoint her completely, I decided to do something with it. The challenge got me thinking; what are in my opinion the five most beautiful album covers of albums that I have in my collection? And can I go deeper into that than just share images of it? This sounds like a new challenge.

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Save Praise for a Better Man

Most of you probably know Tom Walker from his song Leave a Light On. A big hit from 2017. Tom remains mainly a one-hit wonder among the general public for the time being, and it would be a shame if he ever goes into the history books like that. I recently wrote that many people no longer buy albums, so they are no longer ‘forced’ to discover more music by the artist. For the time being this seems a bit the case with Tom Walker. That’s why I’d like to focus this time on one of my favourite songs from him, and in particular to its video clip.

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A Study in Pink

The past few weeks I watched the Sherlock Holmes series with Benedict Cumberbatch. I had already seen a number of episodes in the past, and at the time I was quite impressed. Now that I’ve watched all episodes of the first three seasons, of which there are unfortunately only nine, I’m even more impressed. The way he observes and deduces is impressive, and at the same time shows my own flawed skills in it. By the way, I’m also curious how good your skills are.

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Missing Turns in the Musical Journey of Discovery

The music lover I am I often talk to people about music. It is beautiful and interesting to see how everyone is involved with music in a different way. Music is something very personal. (If you haven’t seen it by the way, my personal reveal will be on 23 April.) Music can take you from deep wells, but it can also take you to great heights. I once said to someone that listening to music is a moment for yourself. He disagreed. According to him, it is a moment between you and the artist. A beautiful vision.

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The Illusion of Control

My enthusiasm had turned into nervousness. When I was working on my website last Tuesday, I was looking forward to share it. But when I put it online I felt some tension. It felt like when I wore my bandana for the first time (it’s been a while since I’ve worn them to be honest); you go in public, but your appearance is difference than normal. You like to show yourself in a way you like, but not in a way others are used to. Not everyone will understand and that might lead to negative and possibly even hurtful reactions. The advantage is that this time I largely controlled it myself. By the way, maybe I should wear my bandana again.

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I need so-oh-omething good..

First of all; my apologies that I start talking about it. I know you’ve heard about it more than enough by now. But I can’t avoid talking about it in some of my posts, like in this one. I’m getting a bit tired about the c-word on all those news pages, so I don’t use the word myself. I think people need something good, something positive. And that’s what I want to talk about.

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The Power of Silence… Welcome

I look in the classroom. The silence now lasts ten seconds already. The little noise that was still there when I closed the door has disappeared.  Fifteen seconds. I look at every student. My face has a serious look. Twenty seconds. Some students look at each other. The long silence causes discomfort for some. Twenty-five seconds. Some students can’t suppress an uncomfortable smile. They eagerly await what will happen next. I completely control them by saying nothing. If you can drop a silence and you are the only one who feels comfortable with it, then you are in control of the conversation. Thirty seconds of silence. My face changes from a surly serious look to a smile and I start. “Welcome…”

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Backstage Revisited – Please Enter

“If you think that your words will ever make a difference, think again and carry on.” / Rise Against – The Unraveling (The Unraveling, 2001)

So Jus, are you bored as well during this period? To be honest; absolutely not. The advantage of having four jobs is that, even during a period like this, at least one continues. And I’ve also got plenty of time I can spend on my master thesis. I really appreciate that the government tries everything to keep me at home so I can work on my thesis. That way I finally might be able to graduate this year. Might. I’ve probably already got the first messages on my phone with friends telling me that I should work on my thesis. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’

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